Phil Morley

Phil Morley

The Soil Association’s certification arm has hired Wight Salads’ Dr Phil Morley as fresh produce trade consultant.

Morley started with Soil Association Certification this week and brings a wealth of technical and industry knowledge in the organic market.

He has worked at a senior level in UK and European horticulture for the past 15 years. A graduate of the University of Leeds, he was originally employed by UK tomato producer Wight Salads,to develop the then nascent world of large scale organic production in glasshouses.

Morley assisted Wight Salads in becoming the largest independent organic tomato producer in the EU, operating nurseries in the UK, Spain and Portugal. He has participated in organic standards development from an industry perspective for the past 12 years and is now a member of the Soil Association Horticultural Standards Committee as well as participating on several other industry and research forums.

Through his role as head technical agronomist at Wight Salads, Morley has also worked with many of the major UK multiple retailers and has an excellent understanding of technical, growing and organic packhouse operations in the fresh produce industry.

Over the past decade, he has taken part in leading and co-ordinating over £800,000 of Horticultural Development Council funded research. These projects have included some ground breaking work recently completed in insect pest management and soil biology in organic situations.

Morley said:“I have been involved with large scale organic commercial horticulture for over 15 years, developing novel and sustainable systems from an agronomic, research and innovation perspective. During this time I have also worked closely with many of the UK's largest retailers.

“It is this practical applied approach to business together with an understanding of retailers and marketing which I hope will bring significant value to Soil Association producers in my new role as a member of the Soil Association Business Development team.”