SCRI's new raspberry breeding programme was introduced by Dr Rex Brennan. The programme aims to produce new cultivars for both the fresh and processing markets and will run until 2009. Details of the Institute's new Fruit Product Innovation Centre were also outlined – the centre aims to fully connect the centre's research with the needs of commercial end-users throughout the industry.
Brennan also revealed that the latest commercial releases of blackcurrant cultivars coming through, are Ben Avon and Ben Dorian. These are both late-ripening and offer an alternative to Ben Alder for growers. The most popular cultivar in the UK is Ben Hope, which has some resistance to blackcurrant gall mite.
Further high-yielding resistant selections were detailed, including some which are being fast-tracked to commercial production through the blackcurrant programme's sponsors, Glaxo SmithKline.
In all new selections considerable emphasis is placed on fruit quality, particularly vitamin C content.
Two new gooseberry selections with good flavour, mildew resistance and reduced spines were also on view for commercial development in the near future.
New strawberry selections for the fresh market include 932034 – a bright, glossy strawberry with good eating quality and tough skin. Strawberry breeder Jane Fairlie explained: 'The fruit has a good aroma and a very pleasant 'strawberry' flavour, with a distinctive rounded-conic shape, it is orange-red in colour and the average berry size is 30g.
'Its pedigree is complex and includes Symphony and EM 208 which may explain berry size and its putative resistance to vine weevil. The growth habit of the plant is similar to Symphony, with large mid-green leaves. The calyx is small and pale green in colour and the berries do not 'husk' on picking. The brix measurement is eight to 10 per cent and the size and shape of the berries is consistent throughout the season with the average yield per plant at approximately 500g. She continued: 'The flowering period begins in mid-May and continues into late June. The fruit season is approximately two days later than Symphony.' Another strawberry selection is 930203, which is conical in shape with a bright, shiny, strong skin in scarlet red. 'The flavour is sweet yet slightly acidic with brix of around nine per cent,' said Fairlie. This also has a complex pedigree with Evita and the selection 69DK60 in its background. 'It picks well, has good berry size and will be undergoing virus-indexing next year with a view to trailling by 2005,' she said.
Advanced raspberry selections at SCRI include 9053B6, a late season selection that begins picking five to seven days after Glen Ample and fruits into mid-late August at SCRI. 9059D-2 is an early season selection which begins picking five to seven days before Glen Ample and fruits into mid-August.