Sainsbury’s is trailing a new smart label which will allow customers to see the ripeness level of the fruit they are buying.

The retailer is claiming to be the first in the UK to use the technology, which will be going into stores in three weeks time, on pre-packed pears.

The Intelligent Sensor Labels, developed in New Zealand, react with the gases given off by the fruit as it ripens, said Neil Gibson, apple and pear buyer. Red means the pear is unripe and crisp, orange indicates it is sweet but firm, while yellow shows it to be fully ripe and ready to eat.

Gibson said the labels would be initially trialled in 50 to 60 stores and said the double pack of pears would be replacing an existing four-pack offer in those stores.

“The technology has been tried and tested in New Zealand and its quite popular out there. It cuts down on handling as well, as the fruit doesn’t have to be handled to assess how ripe it is.”

He said the label could provide an alternative to the “eat me-keep me” offer many retailers were using.

The packs, which are priced at £1.19, would be trialled for 12 weeks, and Sainsbury’s said if it proves successful the concept may be rolled out to other products, such as avocados, kiwis and mangoes.

Gibson added: “The packaging is expensive and the label does carry an extra cost, so we will be seeing if that pays back or not.”
