A ground-breaking initiative to increase consumption of fresh produce was launched in the West Midlands this week.
The Eatwell in Sandwell campaign took to buses and trams with advertising to persuade residents to buy more fresh fruit and vegetables from local shops.
Eatwell in Sandwell posters are appearing on Travel West Midlands bus rears and passenger panels throughout September, and six-sheet posters on Midland Metro trams into October.
Sandwell Primary Care Trust (PCT) food project co-ordinator Suzanne Clark said: “The campaign celebrates the launch of Shopwell, where we have partnered with more than 30 retailers in the borough that have agreed to stock a range of good-quality, affordable fruit and vegetables. Our aim is to make sure that everyone has a shop selling fresh produce within easy walking distance.
“We will be running regular consumer promotions, including fruit at pocket money prices and seasonal special offers. People just have to look out for the Eatwell in Sandwell sign or go online to find their nearest store.”
Sandwell PCT is working with award-winning Staffordshire greengrocer Jim Cooper of Fresh Solutions, who has been invaluable in giving advice to retailers not used to stocking fresh produce. “It’s hard for small neighbourhood shops to get fresh produce right,” said Cooper. “You have to make sure the products on shelf are always in peak condition, stock the products people want and at a price that is competitive with the big supermarkets.”
Shopwell has partnered with Hyperama Cash & Carry in West Bromwich to supply retailers with a good seasonal selection and regular promotions, which can then be passed on to the consumer as special offers.
Many of the stores involved in the scheme have seen sales rocket, with reports of 400 per cent increases common. Children have also been buying fruit for themselves, such as melons at 69p each.