Andrew Burgess

Andrew Burgess

Size is no barrier to values, one of the country’s largest organic growers has emphasised at the Organic Producers’ Conference.

Andrew Burgess, director of agriculture at Produce World said: “It’s not the size of the company that decides ethical outcomes; it’s the values and behaviour of its leadership.”

In his presentation at the event organised by the Organic Research Centre and held at Aston University on 18-19 January, Burgess outlined the background to Produce World, which has a substantial organics business as well as being a major conventional grower of vegetables. The business has more than 500 acres under organic production of potatoes, carrots, swede, and parsnips. It is one of a small number of fresh produce companies that are members of the Organic Trade Board.

Burgess said his company’s own values are closely aligned with the principles of organic production laid out by the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) in terms of health, ecology, fairness and care. “By many people’s standards we are a big company with a turnover of more than £200 million and some 1200 employees,” he said. “We are dealing with some of the UK’s largest retailers and supplying the needs of around 35 million consumers. That doesn’t stop us from thinking and acting in an ethical way with long-term aims. In fact, I would argue that such long-term thinking is in the best interest of Produce World as well as global agriculture as a whole.”