Simple communication is needed to get the healthy eating message across to consumers, delegates to the Re:fresh Conference were told.

Mark Newton, md of Florette, said: "There's nobody in the room who wouldn't stand behind the principles of 5 A DAY, the key is keeping the message simple."

He said he had already counted at least 20 different logos for the food industry throughout the conference, all along very similar themes. "From the industry point of view its confusing, so how do the consumers feel?

"If you ask consumers what does Red Tractor mean, I would be amazed if one out of 10 could tell you."

He said the fact a bag of salad could carry the 5 A DAY logo, but one with a dressing in it could not, which just added to consumer confusion.

Communication was also important when it came to the media as well, he added. "It's rare that you see any good news stories about the produce industry.

"As an industry perhaps we need to get our houses in order and start pumping out a number of good PR stories."

However, he said they needed to be careful as the danger with the industry putting out good news stories could provoke a negative reaction with consumers.

"The dangers of producers or associations driving the PR messages, consumers would tend to say, oh yes, well they would say that wouldn't they. It's seen as overly defensive.

"The fact that salad is healthy and good for you is not a very sexy headline."
