The show organisers, William Reed associates attributes the added success to the several new features at this year’s show as well as increased interest from overseas food and drink businesses.
Show director Andrew Reed said: “Expo was a record and trend breaking show. The entire world of food and drink was represented, with exhibitors ranging from blue chip companies to small specialty producers”. The largest number of UK regional producers congregated at the NEC including local association South West Food and Drink. The group’s managing director Richard Hunter said: “We have exhibited since the show began. It’s a great opportunity to showcase 36 producers from the South West, all of whom have given me superb feedback”.
There were a record number of international exhibitors, with 25 countries promoting their businesses from countries such as Egypt, Mexico, USA and Canada. As reported in the Journal, the Canadian high commission were first time exhibitors and spokesman Ros Burridge was positive about the atmosphere and the type of visitors at the show. “All my companies were exceptionally pleased with the business contacts they made,” he said.
Show organisers are pleased that a third of space has already been booked for 2006. Reed said: “..we are developing concepts that address the changing needs of our visitors. This will ensure that Food and Drink Expo retains its stronghold as a leading event in the UK food and drink industry.”