The opening of a shiny new wholesale market at Western International this week marks the end of a process that has been long, arduous and at various times, including as you will read inside this week, acrimonious.
But as the doors open on a new chapter in the history of the market and its traders, the first thing we should all do is wish them a very successful future.
It is 14 years since serious talk of a new market began. Having covered most of the process for FPJ, it was a pleasure to be there on day one this Monday. Although many traders were not ready for business, amid the teething problems sits an impressive new site, which most traders appear to feel will eventually prove fit for purpose.
It is unfortunate that the opening has been overshadowed by recriminations. WIMTA chairman George Bray has resigned, and he does so under a cloud (p5). But hopefully in the fullness of time, his commitment to the project for the last 14 years, in a role for which there was a distinct shortage of alternative candidates, will be appreciated. He may have his detractors, but without someone dedicated to fulfilling that unenviable task, it is debatable whether Western International tenants would now be trading from a 21st-century site, rather than the outdated, ramshackle surroundings they inhabited - to their eternal credit, with a large degree of success - for so long.