Sheffield Hallam University will play host to three-day international conference on the history and cultural importance of orchards and groves from September 8-10.

Speakers from the UK and elsewhere in Europe will address topics fundamental to the conservation of fruit-growing orchards as well as examine the cultural significance of forest and woodland groves, their products and uses.

Some of the speakers include Sue Clifford, director of Common Ground, Dr Keith Alexander of the Ancient Tree Forum, Professor Mauro Agnoletti from the University of Florence and Dr Ian Rotherham of Sheffield Hallam University. Representatives from Natural England, the National Trust, English Heritage and the Forestry Commission will also deliver presentations and there will be contributions from community orchards projects.

Clifford said: “Increasingly orchards offer a way forward, out of their histories from the kitchen garden, the cottage garden, the Garden of England and into a future that demands we bring nature and culture into better accord.”
