SFM campaigns in Richmond

Campaign group School Food Matters (SFM), partner of the Year of Food and Farming, will present its vision to the local community on Friday May 16, from 9.30am-12.30pm.

SFM is campaigning in Richmond and Kingston to improve the quality of food in local schools. The group wants to see cooking and growing brought back into the curriculum, and for school food budgets to be invested in good-quality local produce. Where schools have insufficient space for growing food, SFM will facilitate links with nearby farms.

SFM has invited all the parents from the 32 schools surveyed, along with teachers, dinner ladies, caterers, food campaigners and farmers to hear about its campaign.

The event, to be held at Richmond Theatre, will be chaired by writer, broadcaster and Soil Association president, Jonathan Dimbleby and speakers will include Prue Leith of the School Food Trust, Jeanette Orrey, dinner lady and school meals advisor to Food for Life Partnership, Zac Goldsmith, environmental campaigner, Tony Cooke of the Year of Food and Farming, Chris Collins of RHS Campaign for School Gardening and Blue Peter Gardener, Jackie Schneider of Merton Parents and Roger Sheard from Bradford City Council.

After two hours of lively debate, the programme will finish with a Q&A session, and representatives from Richmond and Kingston councils will be invited to respond. Jamie Oliver will also make a video appearance in support of SFM.
