Chill units have been ideal over the winter for UK plum development.
“We have had chill units of more than 2,000 this winter and that usually means better fruit set,” said Don Vaughan, senior fruit adviser at FAST. “That is atypical though - over the last 10 years it has averaged 1,000-1,200 units.”
Vaughan reports that there were no frosts during the spring bloom period for plums and as the later spring held back flowering, many varieties have flowered close to each other. “We are seeing good set in Opal, Victoria and Marjorie Seedling,” he said.
Growers have been thinning using a foliar input but will still need to hand thin to satisfy size requirements for the multiples. “The plum crop is looking good and the fruitlets that are going to stay, are sizing up nicely,” said Vaughan. “We anticipate a full crop.”