Seasonal Berries on winter campaign

The seasonal Berries campaign is set to continue its mission to maintain berry sales through the winter months with a set of media relations activities.

The main aim is to highlight the health benefits of eating berries, in order to get press coverage over the next few months.

Sputnik Communications will hold an event focusing on Spanish raspberries and strawberries in the New Year. The day, hosted at a Spanish restaurant, will focus on the health benefits of these berries and serving suggestions for Valentine’s Day.

This follows a blueberry spa event with nutritionist Juliette Kellow at Shoreditch House in October. This was attended by journalists from a selection of consumer titles, who were briefed on the benefits of eating blueberries throughout the winter months.

A healthy eating guide, produced by Kellow, was distributed at the event.

The core activities for the winter months include sending out targeted media mailers, using key dates such as Valentine’s Day and Mothers’ Day as hooks to promote berries.

A Guide to the Seasons berry booklet will also be produced, featuring health benefits, varieties, growing methods and fun facts on berries. The booklet will be distributed to key consumer journalists and will be distributed to support any berry sampling.

The content for the campaign website - - is to be updated on a bi-monthly basis to include seasonal focuses and health information.