The NFU Scotland supports developments over the past year by the Scottish Organic Action Plan to establish Scottish-specific organic standards. Since the Plan was published in February 2003, funding has been made available for marketing organic local produce, investment in research and major changes have been made to the Organic Aid Scheme relating to fresh fruit and vegetables.
NFUS vice president Bob Howat said: "The new provision of support for fruit and vegetable production reflects the growing organic demand in this sector. Support beyond conversion ensures that our organic members have similar opportunities to their counterparts in Europe".
The Action Plan aims to assist current or potential organic producers to explore opportunities available in the organic market, as well as examine factors that are limiting development in the sector.
"Rather than force producers down a certain route of production, the priority is to create a level playing field for individuals to convert to organics if they believe it is to their advantage," said Howat. "As the organic sector grows, the Action Plan will continue to play an important part in allowing Scottish farmers to meet consumer demand for organic produce.”