School gets tomato cheque

Schoolchildren from Larkshill Primary School in Pontefract are celebrating after being awarded with a cheque for £500 as part of a competition to promote British Tomato week.

Earlier in the year, schools nation-wide were invited to enter a competition to name an exclusive tomato variety, organised by Asda supplier, English Village Salads and the British Tomato Growers Association.

Hundreds of entries were received with such diverse names as Tomatorella and Roy.

Sophie Chan of Larkshill Primary School sent in the winning entry "Ruby Plum" and was also presented with a £50 Asda Gift Card. But now the school has been awarded £500 for her efforts.

Lisa Waddle, event co-ordinator at Asda's Glasshoughton store, said: “We work closely with local schools to educate children on healthy eating so we were so pleased to hear that a local school had won this competition.”

Alison Smith, head teacher at Larkshill Primary School, said: “We entered the competition via a website which made entering very easy. There was also a great educational page where the children could enter a virtual glasshouse to learn how tomatoes are grown.”

Ruby Red Plum is sold under the Extra Special brand and is exclusively grown by Asda's dedicated grower in Yorkshire.