The call came as organisers of the scheme at the department of health asked this week for expressions of interest to supply fruit to schools in north-west England as the scheme enters its next phase of national roll-out in March next year.

It is estimated that some 1.7million pieces of fruit will be distributed weekly to four-to-six year olds in the region. And NFU horticulture chairman Michael Holmes sees it as another market opportunity for apple and pear growers in England.

'The scheme can provide an important market for growers, supplementing the more traditional methods of selling produce,' said Holmes. 'The contract to supply the North West schools runs for 12 months providing a steady market for a significant amount of produce and a guaranteed and predictable income. I would encourage growers to consider if the fruit for schools programme offers a useful market for their produce.' And Fresh Produce Consortium chief executive Doug Henderson told freshinfo that it is also contacting members to encourage them to tender for the supply and distribution contracts in the north-west.

Expressions of interest close on November 18. Further details are available from Easy-peel citrus and bananas are also supplied as part of the school-fruit scheme.