Eagle-eyed Spanish fruit pickers have spotted Santa checking his Christmas crop of clementines and satsumas. According to onlookers he was said to be delighted with this year's bumper harvest.

Emilio Teresa, Asda's citrus fruit supplier in Valencia, said: 'Santa looked a little hot under the blazing Spanish sun, but he certainly wasn't flustered. This year's harvest is sweeter and juicier than ever and there are more than enough for every child's Christmas stocking.' Asda sells more than 30 million clementines and satsumas in the run up to Christmas, keeping the man pictured above extremely busy. Santa will need to make 6,000 trips to Spain in his sleigh to transport enough fruit for the UK's children.

And one last little known festive fact. The Spanish call Rudolf the red nosed reindeer 'Satsuma face' because of his very shiny nose.