S&G launches brassica website

Syngenta has launched a new website that focuses exclusively on brassicas - brassicastoday.com

Syngenta Seeds will launch the website Brassicas Today through S&G, its horticultural seed brand for vegetables in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The website is set to become a communication tool for S&G clients.

Ton van de Goor, product business manager for Brassicas EAME at Syngenta Seeds, says the goal of the website is “to build a platform for information about brassicas and to keep people up to date with all the latest trends, innovations and new products in this segment of the vegetable business.”

The website includes a selection of news and information of the brassica world and will be updated every week. A section for interviews with key figures in the sector and a comprehensive brochure with a selection of S&G brassicas, including an accurate description of varieties, a production calendar by countries and areas, and specific serving suggestions for each brassica variety, is also available on the new website.
