Avo trial at West Dean Gardens

Avo trial at West Dean Gardens

Sainsbury’s is claiming to be the first to attempt commercial production of avocados in the UK.

A trial is underway at West Dean Gardens, Chichester, and the retailer is hoping to be able to market the first fruit in two years time.

Six plants of differing varieties, including Hass, Fuerte and Pinkerton, have been planted, and one is already reported to be bearing fruit, although the scale of the trial has not been revealed.

Clancy McMahon, avocado buyer, said: “We’re confident that we can grow avocados with the right quality, consistency and flavour in the UK.

“However, we now want to analyse the cost of producing an avocado crop on a commercial scale. This will then be matched against the cost of importing the same volume of fruit and freshness/flavour benefits to the consumer.”

The move follows attempts by Sainsbury’s to introduce more non-native production to the UK, including the first commercial apricot crops. McMahon added: “It is Sainsbury’s long-term goal that as much fruit and vegetables sold as possible will eventually be produced by growers in the UK, and this is just the beginning.”