Sainsbury's poised on new chair

Sainsbury’s is to transfer its chairmanship to allow its current chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, to deal with the crushing pressure of his Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) chairmanship.

The supermarket is to offer the chairmanship to former GUS finance director David Tyler, according to the Daily Mail.

John McAdam, the Rentokil chairman who is Sainsbury’s senior independent director, is leading the search for the new director and has offered strong support to Tyler, as has Hampton.

Tyler is chairman of technology firm Logica and carries considerable finance credentials thought to be enough o land him the role.

As finance director of GUS from 1997 to 2006, he was responsible for a number of large chains including Argos, Homebase, Burberry and Experian, until the conglomerate was broken up.

The appointment is likely to take place in September or October, allowing Hampton to take on the task of chairmanship at RBS.