Sainsbury's pea in a leaf

Sainsbury’s has launched a new variety of pea in the form of a leaf.

The retailer claims the product, called the pea shoot is a brand new vegetable to the UK, but contains all the same taste, vitamins and minerals as the traditional pea.

Following on from Sainsbury’s recent launch of a potted lettuce, the product is effectively the young, tender tips of garden peas which come, still growing, in its very own miniature greenhouse style packaging.

Similar to a tray of traditional cress, the shoots can be plucked from the tray and eaten uncooked, steamed or sautéed.

Clancy McMahon, fresh produce buyer, said: “Peas are one of the nations favourity vegetables but can be quite tricky to eat. This new development means people can enjoy the taste of a pea with more meals than ever before.”

She said the concept is popular in parts of Asia and Africa and is gaining popularity in the US and Australasia.