Sainsbury's makes Games investment

Sainsbury’s has pledged to invest £10 million in the UK School Games competition over the next four years.

The department of health had said it will invest a further £14 million from and Sport England will contribute £8m to extend funding for School Games organisers from two years to four years, up to 2015.

Adidas has also chipped in to sponsor sports kit for the 1,600 youngsters who will take part.

Sainsbury’s said the unprecedented funding package will ensure that the School Games have a lasting legacy beyond 2012.

Secretary of state for culture, Olympics, media and sport, Jeremy Hunt and Sainsbury's chief executive Justin King made the announcement jointly.

Hunt said: “We are absolutely determined to leave a real and lasting legacy for young people from London's Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the Sainsbury's School Games will help do just that. The fantastic funding package announced today - from Sainsbury's, Adidas and the department of health - shows the commitment to completely transform competitive sport in schools. I want to thank Sainsbury's and Adidas for their generosity in helping to secure the future of the School Games beyond 2012."

Youth Sport Trust chief executive, Baroness Sue Campbell said: "Sainsbury's has a proud history of supporting school sport and we are delighted to have them on board for the School Games.”
