Sainsbury’s is hoping to capture the public mood with the launch of a new super sweet variety of sweetcorn.

On top of Britain’s success in the 2012 Olympic bid and Trafalgar 200 celebrations, the Hampshire grown sweetcorn has been named Victory after it beat French-grown corn to the shelves by a full ten days.

Victory sweetcorn is available for three weeks, exclusively at Sainsbury’s Hedge End store from this week. The early cobs are freshly delivered, from fields just 10 miles away, still in their husks and are the first UK loose corn available this season.

John Maylam, trading manager for fresh produce said: “Sainsbury’s aims to sell locally grown produce which is in season, whenever possible. Not only does this support the local growers but it means that the product goes from field to store within 24hrs.

“The sun shines longer on England’s south coast than anywhere else in the UK and this is what gives Victory sweetcorn its super sweet taste. One of the simplest ways to enjoy them is to place them straight onto the barbecue still in the husk.”