Sainsbury's grabs gratsuma

Sainsbury’s has unveiled a new line in citrus, the gratsuma.

A cross between a grapefruit and a satsuma, the gratsuma, was launched in the UK this week for exclusive trials by Sainsbury’s.

According to Sainsbury’s product technologist Theresa Huxley, the fruit has the look and taste of a traditional satsuma with a hint of mild grapefruit taste and aroma.

She said: “The gratsuma is a very exciting addition to Sainsbury’s citrus category and the new variety promises all the health benefits of grapefruit and satsuma combined.

“It has the lovely firm soft skin and plump juicy segments we traditionally associate with a satsuma coupled with the subtle after tones of grapefruit.”

With only 15 gratsuma trees growing fruit for the chain, in the Knysana region of South Africa, yields are still low.

However Huxley said Sainsbury’s was hoping it would become a seasonal favourite by 2010.

The gratsuma season runs from mid August to the end of September.

Saisnbury’s has acknowledged the gratsuma, officially known as Sweet Spring, is not their innovation.

The fruit was first produced in Japan in 1947 by crossing a Ueda Satsuma and a Hassuku, a Japanese grapefruit.

However, the chain claims this will be the first time the fruit has been sold in a UK supermarket.