Sainsbury’s is set to deliver the first Jersey Royals of the season three weeks early with two days less delivery in a bid to offer its customers ‘super fresh’ potatoes.
The delivery time has been cut due to a new on-site packhouse close to the ferry terminal, allowing ‘just in time’ packing prior to the ferries' departure for the mainland, allowing a two day saving on transport.
Sainsbury’s boasts that it is “the only one of the big four supermarkets to have all its Jersey Royal Potatoes packed at source, on the island.”
The Jersey Royal Potatoes will be harvested, washed, hydro-cooled, packed and shipped on the same day.
Jersey Royals went into all Sainsbury’s stores last week, meaning they will be available three weeks earlier than last year.
Julien Roberts, Sainsbury's potato buyer, said: "The Jersey Royal is widely recognised as one of the most outstanding potato varieties available with a unique flavour and a real statement that summer has arrived.
“We’ve been taking supplies from the island for over 50 years and we are committed to working closely with our suppliers to offer our customers the best Jersey Royal available."