Sainsbury's deliveries boom while Morrisons holds back

Sainsbury’s has announced it has become the UK’s second-largest online food retailer while Morrisons has confirmed its online delivery plans are on hold until next year.

Orders from the Sainsbury’s website are exceeding 165,000 per week, making Sainsbury’s the fastest-growing online grocery business in the UK, the retailer has said.

The supermarket is receiving 20 per cent more orders than it did in the same period last year, while a poll suggests it is still achieving high quality standards.

Those questioned in the Ipsos Mori study voted Sainsbury’s the number one retailer on quality of products, availability of delivery slots, customer service from the delivery person, speed of placing an order and skills of its contact centre staff.

Meanwhile, Morrisons has confirmed it will not be offering an online food order and delivery service until the 2013 to 2014 tax year and only then if it is deemed to be commercially viable.

However, it has become the first supermarket to offer an iPad version of its magazine, which it launched on the same day as Apple unveiled the iPad 3.