Sainsbury's new deal will last for the next week

Sainsbury's new deal will last for the next week

Sainsbury’s has followed in Tesco’s footsteps by introducing a Buy One Get One Free Later deal in store - ahead of its rivals.

The supermarket launched a trial of the “Buy Now- Free Next Time” initiative today and it will last for the next week.

The promotion, which will be available across 470 stores, will currently not encompass fresh produce but a spokesperson told freshinfo it was a future possibility.

Customers will be given a coupon at the check-out to claim the free item the next time they are in a Sainsbury’s store.

Shoppers will be limited to four items per visit on the promotion and the redeemable period is capped to two weeks, making the last date December 8.

In October, Tesco announced its ‘BOGOFL’ deal in an attempt to cut food waste through items going off when bought in bulk, although it is yet to confirm how this will impact on fruit and vegetables.

And Sainsbury’s has managed to get its idea to market ahead of Tesco, which is still to roll out its plan.

Buy Now- Free Next Time will initially run across two products - Pampers Baby Dry Nappies Carry Pack and white baguettes.

Gwyn Burr, Sainsbury’s customer director, said the initiative would give customers “unbeatable value” and that 50 per cent of shoppers take coupons and vouchers home with them when they shop.
