The Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE) is promoting the importance of safety issues by introducing a new safety award as part of its annual student award scheme.
“Around one in five of all work-related deaths occur in agriculture, yet only 1.5 percent of the population work in the industry,” said Alan Plom, IAgrE council member and principal inspector of the Health and Safety Executive’s Agriculture and Food policy group.
Workplace transport and contact with machinery are two of the main causes of fatal and major injuries in farming each year. Other common causes include falls from height and being struck by moving objects.
“It’s not just about coming up with the next big idea in machine design, but looking at how equipment is used in practice, adapting and developing techniques and processes and managing operations,” added Plom.
IAgrE’s chief executive Chris Whetnall said: “Agricultural engineers have an important role to play in the future design and supply of machinery and IAgrE continues to help to improve and maintain the levels of younger engineers entering our industry and encourage the development of new entrants into our sector.”