The Food Safety Forum will take place at Foodex Meatex, in Hall 17 of the National Exhibition Centre Birmingham on April 6-9, 2008.

The forum is a free to attend series of seminars organised by International Food Hygiene, and will consist of 20 up-to-date topics to help the food professional improve skills and raise awareness of emerging food safety challenges and opportunities.

Topics covered on April 6 are designed to be of interest to food SMEs, such as: how can a smaller food business demonstrate competence and gain an accredited recognition?; and what can you learn from the experiences of others in applying HACCP management systems that are big enough to succeed and not too big to be a burden?

On April 7, a variety of presenters will cover topics as diverse as auditing on line, new technologies for preservation, practical results of recent legal changes and the impact of new training methods on successful training applications.

Speakers from internationally recognised centres of excellence will take part, with new thoughts and experiences in areas including lead auditing, bio-films, crisis management and the latest thinking on decontamination and product protection.

The challenges of allergens, their declaration and product recalls are faced daily by most food processing companies, and on April 9, two speakers will look at more effective GMP for allergen control and the application of testing as a management tool.
