Capespan, still the largest exporter out of South Africa, reports that picking and air freight of early white seedless varieties such as Prime Seedless and Superior is due to start this week as industry rumours suggest a crop some 3m cartons up on last season's 10m carton pack out.
'Production conditions in the Orange River have been good and warm,' said Martin Dunnett of Capespan and its UK joint venture Fresh Fruit Services.
'There is big investment going on in the early areas with growers developing more land to grow the early volumes for early markets in the UK, continental Europe.' With the increased plantings, South African growers and senders will also be looking to extend their markets in the future in Scandinavia and even the US, where up until now Chile has tended to dominate in the off-season.
Flame Seedless is expected to come on stream later in the month and fruit will be exported via sea-freight for the Christmas market.