The European fresh produce industry is voicing its concerns over the Russian stance on plant and plant product imports, including fruit and vegetables.

Freshfel, the European industry representatives, said it has written to EU commissioner Markos Kyprianou to inform him that Russia will admit plant and plant products from France only with the new harmonised European phytosanitary certificate.

However Freshfel said this is in direct contravention of an agreement between the EU and Russia which gave the industry until July 1, 2005, to make the transition the older certificate system.

However the Russian authorities have announced only products using the new system will be admitted after April 18.

A spokesman for Freshfel said: “The precipitated introduction of the harmonised certificate creates insurmountable administrative difficulties for the French authorities.

“According to various sources, the new harmonised certificate will not be available to operators by April 18. As such it will become effectively impossible to export plants and plant products to Russia from France after that date.”

Freshfel is calling on the European Commission to urge the Russian authorities to adhere to the original agreement.

The Russian market was worth €433 million to Europe in 2003 and is one of the EU’s most important destinations for fruit and vegetable exports.