New planning policy aimed at giving rural areas without access to public transport equal status has been introduced.
Previous planning guidelines said developments in rural areas without access to transport links were not sustainable, but lobbying by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) helped to reverse this.
Lobbying has also seen the new planning policy statement Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth, which was published in 2009 for consultation, now include the recommendations of the Taylor Review on the Rural Economy and Affordable Housing.
But NFU deputy president Meurig Raymond wants to see the policy go further to boost rural communities, including a planning policy that includes the value of farming to the economy.
He said: “Vigorous lobbying by the NFU appears to have had the desired effect, with the final document reflecting more accurately the realities of rural life and the importance of supporting rural areas through a fair and balanced planning policy.
“We engaged with the consultation on behalf of our members and we are hopeful that farmers and growers will receive a more positive response from local authorities when they apply for permission for new agricultural buildings or propose farm diversification projects.
“However, it is unfortunate that the importance of farming to the rural economy is not more fully recognised and we are lobbying the government to see a change in priorities.”