Its label now covers all the main outdoor brassica crops. Crops of autumn cauliflower usually require two fungicide sprays to keep them clean through the September to December period of disease pressure.

The Allium & Brassica Centre’s Andy Richardson cited Rudis (prothioconazole) as fitting well as the second spray after a strobilurin-based fungicide such as Nativo 75 WG which is often used first for broad spectrum control and white blister protection.

He said: “Being a new generation DMI it is clearly more effective than other products growers have been using later in the season, particularly against the main disease ring spot. It also fits well for strobilurin resistance management.”

Nathan Whitehouse, Bayer CropScience product manager for vegetable crops, claims the triazolinthione (tzt) technology in Rudis advances disease control and plant health. He said: “It combines exceptional protection with curative activity and uniquely for a DMI delivers greening and physiological effects in the same league as strobilurins.“

For Brussels sprouts and cabbage, maximum individual dose is 0.4 L/ha, three applications per crop are permitted and latest time of application is 21 days before harvest. Whitehouse saidgrowers can use existing Rudis stock on these newly approved crops but must obtain the new approval from the CRD website before application.
