RQA Training has launched a new initiative for companies interested in public training courses, but who can't find exactly what they're looking for.

"Clients tell us that public courses on Food Safety, Product Recall, Crisis Management and HACCP aren't always available at a time and place that suits their requirements," said RQA managing director Vince Shiers.

He added:"Not everybody wants in-house training; so we now manage a database of enquiries, match up the dates from interested delegates and then organise a course accordingly.

"The total number of delegates required to make a course competitive and viable is pretty small, so as well as the benefit of convenience, the courses are usually quite intimate with focus on the individual rather than a large group. Training is an essential element of many people's jobs in the food industry, so we believe it is important to make it as accessible as possible."

RQA Training also offers an extensive range of in-house and online training courses for the food and consumer product sectors.