Jersey Royal sales have been boosted

Jersey Royal sales have been boosted

The royal wedding is being credited with an upsurge in sales of cucumbers, mint and Jersey Royal potatoes.

Herbfresh has reported a dramatic increase in mint sales, which the specialist grower has attributed to the warm spell before and during Easter as well as to the use of mint in drinks recipes widely published in the build-up to the big event.

And royal wedding fever has pushed up demand for Jersey Royal potatoes, islanders report. Customers worldwide are importing their potatoes because of their royal association. Jersey Royal Company managing director Tom Binet said: “The extra demand is down to three factors - the exceptionally warm weather which has seen earlier growth than usual, the popularity of the new Pearl variety, and interest created by the royal wedding.

“We are getting extra orders in from all over the world from wholesalers supplying hotels that are laying on special royal wedding menus.”

Cucumber sales have also been strong as demand for the product for use in salads, sandwiches and drinks such as Pimms and other cocktails soars. “Sales have been very good because of the warm weather,” said Brian Hibberd of Abbey View Salads. “We have had the best weather for Easter in 60 years. You would normally get a downturn in demand after Easter, but with such a late Easter and the royal wedding we are not seeing that.”