The 2006 Royal Show has been a success for UK agriculture, despite five per cent less visitors than last year, according to its organisers.
The number of visitors fell to 141,308 due to the heatwave and the resulting 11 per cent drop in retail spending.
The decrease of 700 visitors, thought to be equally divided between farmers and other rural visitors, has been put down to record temperatures reaching 33°C, which triggered an official Department of Health heat wave warning.
Dominique Gill, managing director of Haymarket Land Events, said: “It’s not surprising that some of our anticipated audience stayed away as the media warned of the effects of the heat and sun.
“But we are delighted with this year’s Royal Show and I am indebted to all those who worked with us to stage it this year,” she added. “We made changes to the format and to the content and, although there is always fine-tuning to be addressed, exhibitors and visitors reported a very satisfying outcome.”
The quality of the livestock on show was outstanding, and entries were up 200 on last year, according to Gill. “All credit is due to the exhibitors and stock people who turned out superb animals in very trying conditions. The excellence of the catalogue we witnessed in the Champions Parade in the Grand Ring shows that the Royal Show has retained its title as the premier agricultural show.
“What we have witnessed is a great turning point for UK agriculture, and it is heading in the right direction.
“Major politicians came to the Royal Show this year and set their road map for the future. We are now seeing a public yearning to know more about the source of their food - and Westminster now knows that.
“We now have a lot to look forward to in an industry with a bright future based on rural communities that can thrive with farming at their heart. I look forward to the Royal Show 2007 where we can provide the platform to showcase the realities of this positive vision.”