Roses are top with consumers

Roses are the UK’s most popular flower, a leading supplier has claimed.

Spalding-based Lingarden said more than 23 billion bunches of roses were sold through supermarket chains last year.

Total sales for the flower through grocery stores are now estimated at around £85 million, pushing the previous most popular flower, lilies, into second place.

According to Lingarden, sales of flowers in supermarkets are booming, with chrysanthemums, spray carnations, tulips, freesias, daffodils and carnations all up. Tulips particularly saw a sales rise of 32 per cent, year-on-year.

Malcolm Parkinson, chief executive of Lingarden, said: “Roses have been a highly popular flower for decades and it is great to see them coming back into fashion.

“People want healthy, good-looking flowers that fulfil their promise of a long vase life and that is exactly what they get through the grocery sector.

“The major increase in the number of cut flowers being sold demonstrates their importance as a valuable year-round category within the supermarket.”
