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More and more people are shopping for food online

Nearly a third of shoppers - up from six per cent in 2010 - now use the internet before they go shopping to find which stores are offering the best food and grocery deals.

The proportion of ‘online cherry pickers’ has risen to 41 per cent in 18-24-year-olds, and almost half (48 per cent) in shoppers with children under five, new figures from IGD ShopperVista reveal.

And IGD is also predicting that online grocery retailing will continue to accelerate at a rapid pace in the UK and double in size by 2018.

The body's research also found that shoppers are using technology to inspire them for meal ideas, with almost half (47 per cent) saying they are already looking up recipes online, and 23 per cent watching food channels using their mobile, tablet or computer, and that one-fifth of shoppers are already using price comparison websites for their grocery shopping.

Getting the best value for money continues to be important for shoppers, IGD ShopperVista found, with 32 per cent of respondents saying they would like to be alerted to deals on their mobile phone when passing a food and grocery store.

74 per cent of the shoppers surveyed said using technology saves them time on grocery shopping, 69 per cent said it saved them money, and 49 per cent said it helps them follow a healthier diet.

Joanne Denney-Finch, IGD chief executive, said: “Online retailing in food and consumer goods is growing at a phenomenal rate. Technology is empowering people, fundamentally changing the way they buy groceries. Since the start of the recession, shoppers have become much more savvy, regularly hunting around for the best deals.

'These behaviours have now become much more established and an everyday norm for many shoppers. Technology is making it even easier for people to do this online, saving time before setting out on their journey.

“Shoppers are also becoming much more enthusiastic about using technology for their food and grocery shopping, whether it’s searching for recipes, watching food programmes online, cherry picking deals or ordering their weekly shop.

'In fact, we predict that online grocery retailing will continue to accelerate at rapid pace in the UK and double in size to be worth £14.6 billion by 2018 from its current value of £6.5 billion.

“This presents itself as a huge opportunity for the food and consumer goods industry, and companies that are looking to grow their online capabilities need to ensure they continue to put shoppers at the heart of everything they do.”