The seasons may come and go but the NFU has enlisted the help of one of Britain's top chefs to explain to shoppers what food tastes best and when - with the help of the Little Red Tractor food logo.

A Little Red Tractor food chart highlighting when fresh produce is in season and featuring recipes from Gary Rhodes' latest book will be handed to thousands of shoppers this autumn.

Like the food chart, Gary Rhodes new book 'Cookery Year - Autumn into Winter' celebrates the fact that food tastes better when it is in season.

It is the second time that Gary Rhodes - who is renowned for his commitment to British food - has joined forces with the NFU to support the Little Red Tractor. At the start of this year, he helped to serve up a recipe leaflet packed with tasty ideas using Little Red Tractor food.

He said: 'To find the very best seasonal produce in the shops, grown to the requirements of the British Farm Standard, look out for the Little Red Tractor stamp of approval.' NFU President Ben Gill said: 'We are delighted that Gary has once again agreed to support the Little Red Tractor. His continuing support for British produce is greatly valued and will help promote the logo.' Up to 200, 000 copies of the chart, which opens up to an A2 poster, will be distributed via farmers' markets, farm shops, NFU regional offices and the NFU Food and Farming roadshow.

It will also be available from the end of November at the tractor's website where shoppers will also have an opportunity to win a copy of Gary Rhodes' Cookery Year-Autumn into Winter.

The Little Red Tractor identifies food produced in Britain under farm assurance schemes. Food carrying the logo is independently inspected and produced to high standards. It appears on more than 5,000 different products, worth about £4.5 billion a year, including meat, vegetables, fruit, salads, dairy products, bread and frozen food.