The Defra/Corporation of London review of the London wholesale markets, compiled by Nicholas Saphir and his team, will be formally unveiled at a stakeholder presentation in mid-November, Defra's Alan Stephenson told freshinfo.

The draft report has been with Defra and the Corporation of London for proofing and necessary changes and the initial publishing date of the end of September has been put back to ensure that the appropriate people have an opportunity to see its contents.

'The intention is that Nick Saphir will make the presentation in mid-November,' said Stephenson. 'Neither the Corporation or Defra will be making any recommendations until the consultation process that follows is completed.' The report was given an early deadline to encourage responses from those involved as soon as possible, said another source. While there are people in the London wholesale sector that have complained they were not given enough time to participate, it was felt that the whole process would have been delayed if a strict cut-off point was not enforced.

No precise date or venue has yet been decided for the presentation.
