Retailers rapped

Retailers are being called upon to give more support to the fresh produce industry in a bid to stamp out illegal labour practices.

Delegates at the Fresh Produce Consortium’s recent gangmaster seminar said the multiples need to better support suppliers who adopt the new code of practice relating to the Gangmaster (Licensing) Act 2004, either through improved prices or more business.

Doug Henderson, from the FPC, told the seminar a two-day audit to comply with the code would cost £1,200, however, a number of delegates expressed fears the cost would be too high.

Although suggestions were made to base the payment on either company size or turnover, Henderson said no exemption would be based on business size, although discussions were under way to look at the possibility of exemptions based on activity. He said: “The code and act will bring the unacceptable activities of some labour providers within the law.”

The GLA 2004 registration process and website,, will be launched on November 17 and industry audits will begin in January 2005.

It is estimated the fresh produce industry relies on around 60,000-65,000 seasonal workers with up to 4,000 gangmasters operating in the UK.

“All retailers urge the industry to comply with the code throughout the supply chain,” said Louise Nicholls, ethical trading manager for M&S. “We need to work together and not against each other.”

All speakers at the seminar were members of the Temporary Labour Working Group (TWLG), which aims to educate the industry in the implications of the act and the changes required to comply. “Early implementation of the code and act will identify weaknesses and ensure that the benefits of a flexible workforce are used properly,” said Henderson.

The cost of a three-year licence for labour providers will be £1,750-£2,250, said Defra’s GLA project manager, Sean Collins. The act also creates four new criminal offences: operating without a licence; using an unlicensed gangmaster; obstruction of enforcement officers and; presentation of false documents.
