Summer berries still take pride of place, with further indications that branding is on the increase with both Sonata strawberries and Glen Ample raspberries now arriving under the Scotty brand. They are identically priced at Asda at £1.87 for both 300g and 180g punnets.
The trend of also identifying the source of English produce by county seems to be catching on beyond soft- and stonefruit.
Marks & Spencer has introduced a new sweet salad, described as Kentish Garden, at £2 for 110g. The name may stir memories of a totally unrelated, once well known soft-fruit marketing group. The contents of the pack includes butterhead lettuce, pea shoots, green multi-leaf lettuce and Cos.
Staying within the salad sector, descriptions never cease to amaze. Tesco, in its organic tomato range, identifies a mixed variety Dutch 200g kraft pack of mini varieties, whose colours range through the spectrum, and are labelled as “Jungle” tomatoes.
Yellow and orange types have, of course, long been recognised, although have mainly been restricted to the baby sizes on shelf.
Morrisons, however, has stepped it up with large fruit of both colours being sold loose on the vine, both priced at £1.99/kg. Grown in the Netherlands, the respective varieties are Goldino and Orange Doma.
English summer vegetables are at their peak, although according to news reports pea growers in East Anglia are going through a hard time with harvesters sinking in the mud. But the crop elsewhere is still getting through, with Tesco offering a Giant Sweetburst pack in its Finest Range for £2/400g. Not only does the label extol the size and flavour credentials, but says they are “hand selected at precise maturity levels.” -