Justine Fosh

Justine Fosh

Employers in the food and drink industry will be handed better access to advice and support on skills following a major restructuring of sector skills council Improve and the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink Manufacturing.

Improve’s operations and marketing teams are being merged with the National Skills Academy management team to create a single employer-facing arm responsible for training delivery, engagement and communications.

The new team will be headed by Justine Fosh, who said that the reorganisation will result in a more streamlined service for employers.

Fosh said: “This will streamline the consultancy and advisory services we offer directly through our UK-wide academy training provider network. Employers will be able to access information, advice and solutions on training all from the same source, which will improve speed and efficiency and potentially cut costs.

“It will also result in employers working directly with the people delivering training, ensuring skills development is tailored to meet their specific needs and creating new commercial opportunities for the providers themselves.”

Jack Mathews, chief executive of Improve, said: “Businesses are facing the challenge of wanting to drive up skills while still having to drive down costs. They are demanding training which is cost effective, easy to access and, perhaps most importantly, aimed specifically at fulfilling their business needs.”