In advance of the statutory five-yearly review of the APRC, an independent evaluation carried out by researchers at Reading University recommends its merger with the HDC. The report is open for consultation until June 27.

The study found that although there is a requirement for a levy-funded organisation to carry out near-market research in the top fruit industry, a reduction in levy income over the past three years has reduced activities at the APRC 'below a critical mass threshold.' It also found that dissatisfaction among levy payers was high with 34 per cent believing the council to be good value for money compared to 60 per cent of HDC levy-payers.

The report recommends that the two organisations merge in order to save on overheads: some £43,000 immediately rising to £68,000 by 2004 and reinvest this saving in research and technology transfer. In a new merged body, a tree fruit panel is recommended by the evaluation. The panel would be chaired by a grower from the apple and pear sector who would also sit on the merged levy board.

Some 15 organisations are being consulted by Defra on the proposals with the agriculture departments in Wales and Scotland carrying out further consultation.

The document may be viewed at