Gala’s share of world apple production - excluding China - is set to almost double from 2000 levels by 2015, according to forecasts by the World Apple Report.
The February issue of the report says Gala will close the gap on Golden Delicious and Red Delicious which will drop by more than one and 1.5 percentage points respectively. “In contrast the rate of growth for Fuji, Braeburn and Cripps Pink/Pink Lady will begin to slow after 2010,” the report said. “Surprisingly the top 10 varieties in 2015 will still account for almost 75 per cent of all apple production outside China which is about the same share held by the top 10 in 2000.” The main change is that Jonathan will be replaced by Cripps Pink/Pink Lady.
The report’s predictions make stark reading for an already oversupplied market. The most important source of growth will be China, now that marginal orchards have been removed and efforts are underway to improve yields. The country accounts for a third of world apple production and more than half of its crop is Fuji. “Among other major producers the greatest potential for growth is in South America,” the report found. “Production could rise by about a third in the next decade.” Little growth is expected in North America, western Europe, Australia and New Zealand. But Russia and eastern Europe are expected to recover from low production years in the 1990s.
Another one to watch over the next 10 years is India, where “major changes are likely”.