Yehuda Reichman

Yehuda Reichman

The “silly season” is fast approaching for flower sales in the UK, but Agrexco’s flower marketing manager Yehuda Reichman believes there is a tendency to over-emphasise the importance of the February-march window.

“Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, important yes, frantic yes, but it shouldn’t be the ‘be all or the end all’ for those involved in the flower business,” he told FPJ.

However, he added that the time is right for flowers to brighten up the dreary winter. “With the prediction that this will be the coldest, gloomiest winter for some time we all need some colour in our lives so cue flowers? It could be a simple bunch of anemones or an exotic bouquet, the choice should be available to all. Irrespective of budget we have a duty to provide a wide range of flowers to encourage consumers to buy.”

For more on the flower sector, see next week’s feature on Valentine’s Day.