Melanie Whitehead

Melanie Whitehead

The Regional Food Group for Yorkshire and Humber (RFG) has appointed Melanie Whitehead as trade development manager.

Whitehead will work with members to provide guidance on a range of issues, including packaging design, competitor analysis, negotiation advice and promotional strategy, ultimately helping members to grow their businesses.

Whitehead said: “There are lots of business issues that small producers are not always aware of when they start up, and many have no experience dealing with supermarkets and foodservice, packaging design or conducting competitor analysis.

“It’s my responsibility to ensure our members have the right guidance and information. My previous experience as a fresh food buyer at Morrisons helps me provide our members with an insight into a buyer’s way of thinking.”

Part of Whitehead’s role is also to organise the RFG Meet the Buyer events, which enable local suppliers to meet and deal with buyers from the retail and foodservice industries.

RFG chief executive Jonathan Knight said: “Mel has gained valuable knowledge during her career to date, which she can impart to our members.

“The Meet the Buyer events that she organises have been a huge success, with some of our members securing listings with Waitrose and Booths, among others.”

Whitehead brings over seven years' experience in the food industry with her, most recently as a freelance consultant guiding producers on ways to penetrate the market and access bigger stores.