Grocer Gregg will provide industry insight

Grocer Gregg will provide industry insight

The UK’S leading fresh produce celebrity, Gregg Wallace, will kick off this year’s Re:fresh Conference.

The former wholesaler turned grower, supplier and co-presenter of smash-hit BBC TV show MasterChef is to talk about his time in the fruit and vegetable industry and the celebrity world, as well as give his perspective on the produce trade today.

DEFRA minister Jane Kennedy will also address the conference on her ministry’s priorities in these difficult economic times and the Labour government’s approach to the fresh produce industry.

The overall theme of the Re:fresh Conference 2009, sponsored by Prophet Pr3, is ‘Beyond the Big Four’, and organisers Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) and FPJ have brought together a group of speakers and panellists to analyse the key issues facing the industry in some of the toughest times for many years.

While the big four supermarkets still represent the prime focus for a large number of suppliers and growers in the UK and overseas, there is a growing recognition that, in order to spread risk and increase profit potential, the net has to be cast wider.

Nigel Jenney, chief executive of Re:fresh partner FPC, said: “The big four supermarket chains in the UK account for more than 80 per cent of retail sales of fruit and vegetables in this country and have understandably been the principal focus of suppliers’ efforts to expand their market share over the last 25 years. However, they still only represent around 60 per cent of total fresh produce sales when all other avenues are taken into account.

“Re:fresh 2009 will focus on the sectors of the industry that have too often found themselves either pushed into the back of suppliers’ minds or discounted altogether, and that have therefore been under-used for many years - sectors that are coming firmly back into the spotlight as the industry looks to spread its risk and ride out the financial storm.”

The Institute of Grocery Distribution’s chief economist, James Walton, will outline the main changes to the grocery retail dynamic in the UK, including the rise of the discounters, the current state of play within the big four, the integration of Somerfield into The Co-op, which effectively creates a big five, and what suppliers could and should be looking to achieve at the premium end of the market.

John Giles of Promar International will put the changing face of retail into a wider perspective, as wholesale, foodservice and independent and convenience retailers move back into the hearts and minds of suppliers that had long since consigned them to history as far as their own businesses were concerned.

A panel discussion at the end of the day will tackle all of the above and more. Hosted by celebrity chef Rachel Green, the panel will include Chris Hutchinson, chairman of the FPC’s wholesale division, Graham Broomhall, operations director at Total Produce, Tony Reynolds, md of foodservice supplier Reynolds and James Lowman, chief executive of the Association of Convenience Stores.

The speaker programme is almost complete and the final schedule will appear in next week’s FPJ. The conference takes place at the London Marriott on May 28, followed by the Re:fresh Awards ceremony at the venue on the same evening.

To register for the conference and take advantage of our buy-one-get-one-free offer for delegates, or to buy a place or table at the Florette-sponsored Re:fresh Awards, go to or call Angie Stuart on 01733 405791.
