Feedback from the the Re:fresh Conference 2005, the second annual integrated conference for the fresh produce industry, has been overwhelmingly positive.

Ninety-two per cent of attendees rated the conference as either good or excellent value for money and said they would either definitely or probably attend next year.

Every respondent to the post-event survey rated the venue and its accessibility as good or better, and 62 per cent thought the catering standard was excellent.

The networking opportunities were also excellent for 52 per cent, while the remaining 48 per cent felt they fell into the satisfactory category and 97 per cent of respondents thought the information provided in the delegate bags was good or excellent.

In separate feedback forms on the speakers, delegates again gave high marks. It would be unfair to single out any particular speaker, but the average across the day saw 35.4 per cent mark the content as excellent, 35 per cent plump for good and 21.4 per cent leave satisfied.

The conference, held on May 5 in London, was sponsored by Prophet Pr2 and jointly organised by the Fresh Produce Journal, Highbury Business Media and the Fresh Produce Consortium. The date of next year’s conference will be released in the next few weeks.

Feedback from the Re:fresh Awards is being compiled and the results will be published in the Journal.
