Re:fresh Directory hot off the press

The 328-page Re:fresh Directory 2005, published for the FPC and its members by Lockwood Press, is now available.

The directory includes a comprehensive review of the UK market in the last 12 months, with the statistics and data relevant to your business. Also, the FPC annual report details the major achievements of another busy year for the association, the first under the leadership of chief executive Nigel Jenney.

Within that section, the FPC outlines the procedure for members wishing to participate in the consultation process it is undertaking for the OFT into its Code of Practice, which the Journal will cover in more detail next week.

The directory will also provide all users with the most comprehensive product guide available for the fresh produce industry, as well as a full listing of contact details for every UK fresh produce company and organisation, an events diary, and a listing of useful contacts in source countries around the globe.

A copy has been distributed to all FPC members this week and every delegate at Re:fresh Conference 2005 will also receive a free copy. Anyone else who would like a directory can purchase copies for £50 either at or calling Patsy Holmes on 020 75010303.