The Re:fresh conference! I know you’re busy, time is a premium and you haven’t the slightest inclination to attend an industry conference where a bunch of boring academics bang on about same old. Well, I’m laying down a challenge - I travel around a lot and speak to you a lot and what’s more, I listen to you a lot. Since I joined the industry, over 30 years ago, there remains an apathetic, whingeing element and I’m asking you to put your money where your mouth is and join us in our efforts to up the ante with this industry debate. It’s once a year, for one afternoon and if you haven’t been before you will be amazed at the networking opportunity. If you’re already booked for the awards dinner, why not arrive a few hours early and join in the conference? Help us change the face of conferencing - make this a vehicle for reform, for honest and open meaningful discussion.
We have an outstanding lineup who have given their time to lead the debate - where else would you get the chance to directly question minister Jim Paice on the future of our industry, or discuss challenges and opportunities with our panel, Jane Speakman, Gary Marshall, Nigel Harris and Peter Durose? Add the Olympic Committee’s Jan Matthews to the mix and we have covered all the bases to provide serious, meaningful discussion on future challenges and opportunities in each of these sectors.
We returned from Rabat, Morocco at the weekend, where we headed a team from among the more proactive of our membership for a trip to SIAM 2011 courtesy of FPC member Maroc Export. We had an hour or so to look around Rabat and the amount of investment in this country’s people and its infrastructure is remarkable. At this rate it is highly likely that Morocco will leapfrog some of its EU counterparts as it strives to modernise its cities and capture the hearts and minds of its people on the way.
Finally, huge congratulations to all Re:fresh Awards finalists - you impressed the judging panel and raised the bar again with the highest standard of entry we have seen to date. My sincere thanks to all who took the time to enter this year. We received record numbers of entries for some categories, the enthusiasm for this event just keeps on growing and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on 19 May. Sadly there can only be one winner and I know how disappointing it is not to get through to the finals, however, I would really encourage you to have another go next year. I would also like to thank our judges - they spend a huge amount of time reading, scrutinising and discussing, and their commitment to the success of this event is very much appreciated.
If you have not already booked your tickets for Re:fresh 2011 there is still time to join us - we would love to see you! Visit or contact Angie at the FPC.